Join the Charmed Circle


charmed circle (noun) – a group of people who are special or powerful in some way; a group marked by exclusiveness.   




We all have a ‘charmed circle.’ Whether this is a new term to you or not, you can quite simply think of it as your group of gal pals, the closest and best friends, the ones who know everyone’s secrets. The friends who influence you the most.  The friends who are always in the know.

I'm on a constant quest for finding the best and the unique.  The extra ordinary. I love discovering things that are thoughtfully designed and I get a huge thrill out of finding places and experiences that are special!   And ...there is nothing more fun then sharing and getting inside intel from your friends!

So, you're cordially invited to join the Charmed Circle!  

You will have access to special insider information such as exclusive promotions, new items and our newsletter.



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